Achieving & Maintaining the Ideal Temperature in Your Home

A smiling woman adjusting her thermostat to achieve her ideal home temperature.

Do you constantly feel like your AC or heater fails you because it always seems to be too hot or too cold? Sometimes you may wake up in the middle of the night shivering, other times you may find yourself sweating no matter what temperature it is outside.

Of course, everybody wants their home to be at the ideal temperature at any given time of day throughout their home, but it may be tough to achieve a good balance.

What is the Ideal Temperature for a Home?

There is no “ideal” temperature for a home—each person has a different idea of what a perfect temperature may be. However, there is an ideal range that you should keep your home at to maintain comfort without racking up massive electricity bills or overstraining your system.

 The consensus is that the average temperature range in your home should be anywhere between 68 – 75 degrees Fahrenheit to be comfortable. When temperatures are in that range, most people can feel comfortable – though it may come down to a compromise if different members of your household prefer temperatures at opposite ends of that range.

During winters, the ideal temperature should be around 68-70 degrees Fahrenheit. During summer, the temperature outside is higher, and to keep your home comfortable as efficiently as possible (i.e. keeping your electric bill down) you should aim to keep your home between 76-78 degrees Fahrenheit.

There are a few ways you can stay comfortable in your home without breaking the bank on your electricity.

Dress for the Season

Wear clothes around the house that match the current season. Wear lighter clothes, short sleeves, and shorts during the summer and long sleeve shirts and pants during the winter to stay comfortable even if the thermostat is a little higher or lower than your ideal temperature.

Thermostat Setback

When everyone leaves home for the day, change the thermostat to be a little warmer in the summer or a little cooler in the winter. This is called a thermostat setback. Since no one is around to enjoy the temperature, you can save a little money by having your system run less while away. Then, as soon as you get home, adjust the thermostat to be in your preferred range. Some believe that the cost to bring your home back to your ideal temperature will outweigh the savings of having your AC or heater running less while away, but studies have shown that a setback of only 1 degree resulted in an average of 4%+ savings, while a 5-degree setback could save over 14%.

Use Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat is an excellent way to save energy while also regulating your temperature. The thermostat will allow you to set the proper temperatures on a schedule or with your smartphone, which means you can enjoy the savings of a thermostat setback while getting your home back to your ideal temperature before you even walk through the door.

Control Humidity

Residents in Texas (and many parts of the world!) know how much humidity can impact comfort levels. This is true when it comes to inside your home, too. If your home is too humid in the summer, it will feel hotter than what shows on the thermostat—and in winter, a humid home will feel colder. Consider installing a dehumidifier to run when you notice things start to feel a bit muggy around the home and you might be surprised at how much better it feels.

Install a Zoning System

A zoning system allows you to cool and heat different sections of your home to different temperatures at the same time. This means you can keep areas you and your family are in at ideal temperature in different parts of your home—people can often experience goosebumps or chilling sensations when temperatures are uneven. It can also be handy if you have rooms that receive more sunlight than others (lots of windows), if you have vaulted ceilings, if your home has multiple floors, etc.

Final Thoughts

It’s essential to find and maintain the ideal temperature in your home to live comfortably. If you’re having issues maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home, AirOne is here to help. Our experts can diagnose potential issues, such as structural causes or issues with your heating and cooling system—such as no or inadequate humidification or ventilation, improperly sized cooling systems, or HVAC equipment in need of repair.


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