Diagnosing Common AC Problems

A man sweating at his computer next to a fan due to AC problems.

Summers in many parts of the U.S. can be brutal (especially in Central Texas!), and AC failures can have devastating outcomes if not rectified as quickly as possible. With that in mind, it helps to know some basics about what to look for to prevent problems before they happen, and to know what to expect when you do have issues that you need fixed.

Preventative Maintenance

One of the first things you should always do when it comes to maintaining your central air conditioning system is to make sure that the filters are being changed on a regular basis. Failure to do so can result in allergens being sent into the ventilation system, and can lead to debris buildup over time. Eventually, this can damage the unit or introduce grime to the vents. It can lead to uneven cooling around your home, and can lead to a breakdown in your system.

In addition to changing your filters, you should consider enrolling in a maintenance program to have your system looked at on a regular basis to catch small problems before they escalate into major issues that require more expensive repairs.

Check Your Thermostat

If you are setting the thermostat to a normal temperature and find it struggling to maintain your preferred temperature, you should make sure that your thermostat is working properly and check it’s batteries. If that is not the culprit, read on to find out what else the problem may be.

Water Leaks

Water leaks are another common, noticeable problem you may encounter. Air conditioners are designed to drain the water they collect as they do their job. Many who see water near their air conditioner’s main drain believe they have a leak when, in fact, their AC is functioning properly. As long as this water is not draining inside your home, there’s no issue. If it is an outdoor leak that isn’t related to the water from the drain, then the problem is likely related to your condenser, and could be several things including a broken condenser pan, filter, or a broken or worn down seal.

However, if water is leaking in your home, it’s likely that there’s an issue you need to have fixed as soon as possible. If you notice your unit’s secondary drain line is dripping water then it likely means something is awry, most likely a blockage. 

These blocks can be due to debris, algae, and fungus that have accumulated in your line–generally due to neglected regular maintenance. While you may be able to fix the issue yourself if you’re able to get to the drain hose connections, if you aren’t familiar with clearing drains you should have a professional assess the situation to prevent further damage to the equipment or your home. 

Clogged Air Ducts

Another fairly common issue that can cause problems  with proper cooling is clogged air ducts. To test, turn your AC on and walk to each room, placing your hand in front of each vent. If you find any that aren’t blowing air, it may be time to schedule a cleaning for your air ducts.

While there are other issues that your AC unit may face, these are some of the most common ones. If you’re experiencing any of the above problems or your air conditioner just doesn’t seem to be acting right, contact AirOne today! We’ll take a look and diagnose your issues quickly so you can get back to escaping the summer heat.


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